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Writer's pictureDr. Hope Dugan

Don't Let Limiting Beliefs Derail Your Success

What was I thinking? I’m not qualified to do this!

I am sooo out of my league!

I’ll never be as smart as she is!

I am just a worker bee.

Have you ever had thoughts like these? If so, you are not alone. Almost everyone at some point will experience limiting thoughts like the above. While it is normal for people to have moments of self-doubt and worry, the key is not to allow limiting beliefs to override your positive thoughts and derail your potential.

What Exactly is a Limiting Belief?

Limiting beliefs are intrusive thoughts, perceived as absolute truths, acting as a barrier to personal growth and progress. These beliefs extend beyond self-perceptions and may encompass views about the world, ideas, and interpersonal connections. They often arise from past experiences, societal influences, trauma, or negative self-perceptions and act as mental barriers, restricting personal and professional growth.

If left unchallenged, limiting beliefs have the potential to impact personal and professional growth. The ‘psychotic roommate’ in our brain kicks into full gear and begins tearing into our self-esteem brick-by-brick. Left unchecked, we may worry, have anxiety, and shy away from opportunities out of fear of failure. The good news is simply by acknowledging the power of our thoughts, we create a path forward. Identifying and silencing the limiting beliefs our inner critic brings up is about reframing the narrative and embracing an unapologetically bold mindset.

Let’s take a look at some common limiting beliefs.

Imposter Syndrome: Feeling undeserving of success and attributing accomplishments to luck rather than merit. ‘I don’t deserve this recognition.’

Perfectionism: Believing one must be flawless to be accepted or successful, leading to fear of taking risks. ‘I need to take just one more class before I am ready to tackle that.’

Fear of Failure: Associating failure with personal inadequacy, resulting in an aversion to trying new things. ‘If I try this and it does not go well, it will prove to others I am incompetent.’

Comparison Trap: Constantly measuring oneself against others, leading to feelings of inadequacy. ‘I will never have skin as beautiful as hers.’

Age-Related Limitations: Believing that age (Whether that is feeling too young or feeling too old) imposes restrictions on learning, career advancement, or personal development. ‘I would love to be part of the committee but what would I have to contribute (being too inexperienced/being too old)?

Money Mindset: Holding beliefs about financial limitations or scarcity, affecting career decisions and aspirations. ‘I don't like my job but the benefits are too good to go elsewhere.’

Catastrophizing: This is a common limiting belief where we instinctively anticipate the worst possible outcome in any situation. We erroneously think if we plan for the worst we are somehow protected. The only problem with this is it is an illusion of control and furthermore it is the thief of being happy now. ‘If I move and hate it, I will be stuck there.’

What Can I Do?

Below are five steps you can begin today to help identify and reduce limiting beliefs.

Identify Your Beliefs:

Begin by recognizing and acknowledging limiting beliefs and their potential influence over your thinking and decision-making. Reflect on thoughts that repeatedly surface and hinder your confidence or decision-making.

Examine Their Origin:

Dive deeper into the origins of these beliefs. Ask yourself if they are rooted in concrete evidence or if they are based on assumptions and past experiences that may not be relevant anymore.

Challenge Negative Thoughts:

Actively challenge negative self-talk. Replace self-limiting language with positive affirmations and statements that support growth and resilience.

Set Realistic Goals:

Establish achievable, incremental goals. Success in smaller objectives can counteract the belief that larger goals are unattainable, building confidence in your abilities.

Seek Support and Guidance:

Engage with mentors, coaches, or therapists who specialize in mindset and personal development. Their insights can provide tailored strategies and support on your journey to overcoming limiting beliefs.

Change Your Mindset

Overcoming limiting beliefs may feel like a big challenge. It may sometimes be tough to recognize and identify these thoughts, and even trickier to figure out what to do about them. If you feel like your goals are out of reach, it can hold you back from living your best life. But the good news is, you can swap limiting beliefs for empowering ones. Changing the way you think requires having strategies that actually work for you. It's like breaking down walls that are holding you back and replacing them with a bold and confident mindset.

Remember, these steps are a starting point, and the process is unique to each individual. Be patient with yourself as you work toward a more empowered and unapologetically bold mindset. Would you like some help? Book a free clarity call today!

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